Asplenium Osaka

Asplenium Osaka or Asplenium antiquum Osaka belongs to the bird’s nest fern group and can be easily identified by its striking wavy leaf features. Asplenium Osaka, otherwise known by its Japanese name, ō-tani-watari, is an evergreen fern native to the forests of East Asia. If you’re looking for types of ferns to add to your growing plant collection, consider the strikingly unique Asplenium Osaka.

Why choose an Asplenium Osaka?

With its glossy leaves and vibrant hues, Asplenium Osaka adds a certain zany element to any area. This standout plant can stand alone as a statement piece or break up the bush of an indoor jungle.

Everyone needs a fern in their life. Though some ferns may be more sensitive to differing conditions, this Japanese bird's nest fern presents a fern that is on the easier side to care for.

Care tips

  • Watering. Little and often is the best policy — keep the soil moist but don’t let the plant sit in water or the roots will be damaged. Avoid watering directly into the crown, but rather from the base.

  • Light & placement. Bright, indirect light.

  • Humidity. Asplenium Osaka enjoys a decent amount of humidity, which you can create with a humidifier, regular misting or by setting on a pebble tray.

  • Good to know. Give it a feed with liquid fertilizer once a month in spring and summer. These plants are safe for households with children and pets.

Common care mistakes

Like all plants, one would do well in considering the plant’s native environment. Asplenium Osaka, coming from East Asian forests, will prefer a good dose of humidity and bright indirect sunlight.

Be careful not to water into the crown of the plant or overwater these ferns which are prone to root damage when seated in water. Also, be aware of drying out this fern, keep it away from hot dry conditions.


Luckily, any problems with Asplenium Osaka have quick and convenient solutions. Missing an accent piece for your bathroom? Asplenium Osaka will love the humidity! Otherwise, a humidifier or regular misting will do the trick. When it comes to overwatering just remember this fern prefers little and often waterings, so just enough to keep the soil moist.

Care tips for prevention

Be wary of placing this fern in direct sunlight or near a source of heat, it doesn’t like to be dried out. Asplenium Osaka will thrive with a once-a-month feeding of liquid fertilizer in the spring and summer. To prevent damage to the plant, water not into the crown but at the base, where the plant meets the soil.

Asplenium Osaka and you

Slow-growing, easy to care for, and extremely fun-shaped leaves, this fern will become your best friend. Just be ready for guests to ask: where did you get that plant?