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Aglaonema 'Cintho Queen' is originally from south-east Asia, where it would grow beneath a canopy of trees. As such, it likes indirect sunlight and infrequent watering.

Alocasia Wentii, also known as 'Hardy Elephant Ear' is native to New Guinea and is thought to be a hybrid of Alocasia Ordora and Alocasia Gageana. Alocasia wentii needs bright, indirect light and moist soil, with humidity ideally around 60%

Native to South America, anthurium elipticum 'jungle' is a hardy tropical plant tolerates partial shade well and watering once the top 2 cm of soil are dry. You can also mist anthurium jungle to give extra humidity.

Boston fern (nephrolepis exaltata) requires a cool position with high humidity and indirect light. Ensure that the soil remains damp and if leaves turn yellow due to lack of humidity, increase this by misting.

Euphorbia acruensis, also known as the 'Desert Candle', is native to South Africa. It's robust, able to go without water for long periods of time and prefers a bright, sunny positioning. Outside it can grow up to 9 meters.

Livistona chinensis, (Fan Palm) has distinct fan-like leaves and can grow up to 9m tall. It is native to China, Japan and Taiwan and prefers full sun and well-draining soil.

Fatsia japonica, native to south east Asia, is a great house plant that also grows well in the garden. It prefers bright, indirect light. During spring & summer it is fast growing, so may need yearly pruning.

Ficus audrey (ficus benghalensis) is the national tree of India and does well situated in bright a spot. As it matures, ficus audrey can grow aerial roots that become part of the trunk. It prefers consistently moist soil and is overall easier to care for than the ficus lyrata.

Ficus elastica, also known as a rubber plant, has distinct large, dark leaves and is native to Asia. Considered a hardy houseplant, it needs soil that drains well and bright, indirect light.

Ficus lyrata, also known as fiddle leaf fig, is native to the tropics and is a notoriously difficult house plant - the key here being consistency. Expect loss of leaves if moved away from light. Be sure not to over-water

Monstera obliqua is identifiable by large holes in its leaves. It enjoys bright and indirect light and a high level of humidity and does not need frequent watering.

Jade plant (crassula ovata) is considered a symbol of luck and luckily requires simple care. It's best to ensure your jade plant has full sun and to ensure the top 2cm of soil are dry before watering.

Kentia palm (Howea forsteriana) has beautiful foliage that can grow up to 3m tall. Native to the south pacific, Kentia prefers lots of humidity and fairs well with partial shade and watering when the soil is dry.

Native to Vanuatu, the licuala grandis (also known as the Vanuatu fan) is a tropical, slow growing palm that likes indirect or low light and frequent misting over watering.

Strelitzia Nicolai, also known as bird of paradise, is native to South Africa and identifiable by its bright orange flowers, which occurs more often outdoors. They prefer bright light and the top 2cm to dry out between waterings. Splitting leaves is totally normal.

Schefflera Amate, also known as the umbrella tree, is native to the rainforests of Australia and New Guinea. It does well in medium light conditions and likes to dry out between waterings.

Dracena surculosa is an easy to grow houseplant, native to western Africa and is best identifiable by its variegated foliage. Dracena surculosa prefers indirect light and moist, but not wet soil - be sure not to overwater!

Washingtonia Robusta, or Mexican fan palm, can grow up to 30m outdoors. Grown best in full sun, they can tolerate partial shade. Once established, they require little watering, especially in winter months.

Zamioculas zamiifolia, or ZZ plant, is a semi-succulent native to eastern Africa that thrives well with little care. ZZ loves Indirect or low light conditions and infrequent watering, as their rhizomous root system has evolved to store water for long periods.

Monstera deliciosa is one of the most popular houseplants that should be rotated often to ensure even light distribution. Growing aerial roots, monstera often require a support stake and can handle a good prune if growing too much.

Pothos (epipremnum aurenum) like bright indirect light, but fair well in lower-light conditions, making them a great house plant choice. They are super easy to propagate - simply cut stems below the leaf node and place in water.

Philodendron xanadu has distinct leaves that grow upright rather than climbing. It enjoys high humidity and lots of indirect light. Ensure soil has dried out before watering

Philodendron scandens, also known as heartleaf philodendron, is a popular house plant because of how easy it is to care for. They love indirect light and weekly watering, or when the soil is dry. To avoid long single stems, pinch after a node and watch it branch out.

Philodendron imperial green is identifiable by its glossy green leaves, which are large in size but often few in number. It needs bright, indirect light and moderate humidity. Water when the top soil is dry.

Rhapis excelsa is a shade tolerant palm, meaning it fairs well as a house plant. It likes moist, but well-drained soil and is a slow-growing plant that can reach up to 4m tall.

Philodendron green wonder (thaumatophyllum spruceanum) has impressive leaves that can grow up to 40cm in length. It fairs well with partial shade and maintaining moist soil.

Sansevieria metallica is a snake plant variety native to west Africa. It is a hardy plant that enjoys full sun or light shade, but does well in low-light conditions. As it is adapted to a dry climate, ensure the soil completely dries out before watering.

Sansevieria zeylanica is clearly identifiable by its rigid leaves and wave-like horizontal stripes. Easy to care for, sansevieria zeylanica like bright, indirect light, but adapt well to low-light conditions. It doesn't need frequent watering.

At Plantclub we use vulkastrat substrate for most of our potting. It's made up of a mix of lava, pumice and zeolites and absorbs more water than regular soil, releasing it slowly to the roots - at Plantclub, we handle the watering, so you don't have to.
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