Ficus elastica

Commonly known as a rubber plant or rubber fig, the Ficus Elastica comes in a number of varieties. From the emerald Robusta to the variegated cream-edged Tineke, they all have stunning foliage. Their big, glossy leaves make an elegant statement in any home or workspace. And while the rubber fig looks like a diva, this plant isn’t fussy when it comes to maintenance.

Why choose a Ficus elastica?

Ficus elastica, also known as the rubber plant, is a popular choice for its striking, glossy leaves that add a touch of elegance to any room. This hardy plant is easy to care for, adapting well to various light conditions and requiring minimal maintenance. Its ability to purify the air makes it a great addition to homes and offices. Additionally, Ficus elastica can grow quite tall, providing a natural, green focal point in your decor.

Care tips

  • Watering. Ficus elastica usually like a drink every 1-2 weeks, but won’t enjoy sitting in water – let the top half of the potting mix dry out between waterings.

  • Light & placement. Prefer bright filtered light, but can tolerate both lower light and a couple of hours of direct sun. If variegated rubber plants get too much sunshine their colors won’t show as distinctly.

  • Humidity. As in its forest home, the Ficus Elastica likes a damp environment. Position your rubber fig away from heaters or drafty windows that could dry them out.

  • Good to know. Give your Ficus elastica a feed with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer every 4-6 weeks during the growing season to encourage healthy growth and vibrant leaves.

Common care mistakes

Rubber plants are fairly adaptable, but if their foliage starts to droop it means they’re not happy. Cold drafts, dry air, and too little light can all cause drooping. Leaf discoloration is another common problem and is usually a sign of either over (or under) watering. Too much moisture can cause root rot and encourage fungus gnats. If the foliage or stems are damaged, rubber plants release a sticky sap that can cause skin irritation and is toxic to animals.


To prevent drooping, keep your rubber plant away from cold drafts, ensure it has adequate light, and maintain moderate humidity. For leaf discoloration, adjust watering to avoid over or under-watering. If the foliage or stems are damaged, clean the area with a damp cloth to remove the sticky sap. Wear gloves to avoid skin irritation and keep pets away from the plant, as the sap is toxic to animals.

Care tips for prevention

Ficus elastica thrives in bright, indirect light but can tolerate lower light conditions. However, avoid direct sunlight to prevent leaf burn. It prefers moderate humidity, so keep temperatures above 15°C. Water when the top inch of soil is dry, reducing in winter. Additionally, clean the leaves with a damp cloth and prune damaged leaves at the base.

Ficus elastica and you

Ficus elastica is a plant you can easily be proud of. With its striking, glossy leaves and robust growth, it will always impress. Its elegant appearance and adaptability make it a wonderful addition to any space.