Reducing energy costs with plants in the workplace

While Putin’s war in Ukraine continues to put a strain on energy costs across Europe, countries have been looking at alternative energy saving and producing tactics. In January, wind energy outputs in Germany reached a record high while the country has been investing in more long term solutions to the crisis. Across Europe this winter, we’ve seen people adopt their own ways of reducing energy consumption such as increases in thermal underwear purchases and citizens and businesses turning down their indoor lighting and heating. So as we look toward affordable long term alternatives to this energy crisis, it may not seem too crazy to start by considering plants.

Indoor plants, like interior design, aren’t always just for the aesthetics. We’ve looked at service design and social architecture as ways that design can serve multiple purposes beyond what the eye can see, and we’ve discussed the multiple benefits of keeping plants such as employee wellness and productivity. Now let’s dive into how plants can cut energy costs while also lowering your carbon footprint.  

Sounds too good to be true? With all the science and studies behind the unweighted benefits of having plants in your home or office, it’s not too hard to believe. Plants reduce stress, plants boost morale, plants even reduce headaches – read all about these benefits here – what can’t our little green friends do?


Sound absorption

Along with all these benefits, we’ve been looking at the more structural upsides of having plants around as well. According to one study from Spain, green walls or vertical landscapes can significantly insulate sound and reduce noise by up to 15 db! Having green features in offices can accomplish the double tasks of lush wall features plus sound absorption, so what about other types of insulation?

Placing integrated planters in communal areas can help with sound absorption.


Natural insulation

Although parts of Europe have been experiencing an unnaturally warm winter this January, this does not mean winters going forward will always be warmer and warmer. So as governments buckle down and figure out ways to conserve energy and keep gas prices down, there are ways that you can prepare for the cold at home or in the office – without breaking the bank. 

According to one study from the UK, green walls were able to improve the heat retaining abilities of structures, conserving up to 31% more heat than walls without greenery. Through plants’ natural processes of transpiration and evapotranspiration, aka the movement of water through a plant to the release of moisture back into the air, humidity is elevated which can have a warming effect (moisture in the air is able to hold heat more effectively). Lowering your heating costs could mean being green in more ways than one.


Winter vs summer

And if you’re concerned about air conditioning and those sweltering summer days, the magic of transpiration works both ways. Moisture in the air can also keep temperatures cool, with plants having the ability to reduce the temperature by up to 5.5 °C

Green walls can mean planters filled with indoor plants but also outdoor climbing plants such as ivy, which can absorb the sun's rays before it reaches the building.

Climbing plants on a building’s front can improve a building’s insulation.


Whether it's a cold winter night or a hot summer day, plants and their natural processes can help regulate any indoor climate, and look great while doing it. If you’re looking for ways to integrate greener solutions into your office or home, consider a green wall and check out beginner options such as WallyGrow vertical planters or even grouping plants together in integrated planters. Have more questions? Reach out to Plantclub for a natural insulation consultation. provides you and your colleagues with the benefits of plants, wherever you work. Rent office plants and transform your space into a green oasis, with flexible monthly membership options to suit your size. Diversify your employee perks with a dedicated company store, where you can give green gifts and your team can buy plants for their home office. Book a time to chat with us today.


The Science of Root Growth


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